Competition Rules

Poetry Competition Rules

This competition is now closed

The next poetry competition is in honour of Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee  and opens on June 2nd, and the closing date for entry is 29th July 2022. The Theme is,  Reflections: Life in the New Elizabethan Age, or a subject related to the Jubilee. 

The fee to enter is £4. If multiple poems are entered in the same submission, the fee will  be £10 for three entries. The maximum number of entries is 6.  

Each poem must be sent as a separate pdf, rtf, doc or docx file attached via the entry form, with the poem title as the document name. Do not put your name or any identifying  marks on the poem as they will be judged anonymously. Your details will be captured on your entry form.

All entries must be made via the website - 

Telephone confirmation of receipt is not available. There will be an automated email response when your entry has been successfully submitted. The Jubilee Literary Society team are unable to confirm the content of documents submitted online, so please ensure that you send the correct version of your work. 

Poems must be your own, unaided work. 

The theme of the competition may be freely interpreted. 

The competition is open to anyone who is aged 16 or over. 

Poems must be in English, and no more than 30 lines long, typed in a plain font, no smaller than point size 12 and no larger than point size 14. 

Poems must not have been previously published in the public arena (either on a website  or in print), and should not be currently submitted for future publication elsewhere.  

Poems may not be amended after their submission, nor will refund fees be paid. Winners will be notified by email by 21st October 2022. 

Copyright of the poems remains with the author, but the Jubilee Literary Society reserves  the right to publish successful entries. 

Short Story Competition Rules

This competition is not yet open for entries.

The next short story competition opens on - to be confirmed, the closing date for submissions is: To be confirmed. The theme for this short story competition is: To be confirmed

The fee to enter is £4. If multiple stories are entered in the same submission a fee of £10 for three entries is payable. There is a maximum of 3 entries for this competition.  

Each story must be sent as a separate pdf file attached via the entry form, with the story title as the document name. Do not put your name or any identifying  marks on the story as they will be judged anonymously. Your details will be captured  on your entry form 

All entries must be made via the website - 

Telephone confirmation of receipt is not available. There will be an automated email response when your entry has successfully been submitted. The Jubilee Literary Society  team are unable to confirm the content of documents submitted online, so please ensure  that you send the correct version of your work. 

Short stories must be your own, unaided work. 

The competition is open to anyone who is aged 16 or over. 

Short stories must be in English, and no more than 2,500 words long; there is no minimum number of words. Entries must be typed in a plain font, no smaller than point  size 12 and no larger than point size 14. 

Short stories must not have been previously published in the public arena (either on a  website or in print), and should not be currently submitted for future publication  elsewhere.  

Short stories may not be amended after their submission, nor will refund fees be paid. Winners will be notified by email by: Date to be confirmed 

Copyright of the short stories remains with the author, but the Jubilee Literary Society  reserves the right to publish successful entries.